SpreadSheet Updated!!!

Yeah, after a while of having the old prices, the ss is updated!

the new hype on the dota 2 market are the timebreakers! a banned time that is not longer available thru the shop or the drop system, so a few facts about the timebraker

  1. Only 25k Units of the item are available (100k of Earbuds are Available on TF2, so its even more rare than a bud)
  2. Its a Vintage Inmortal Quality Item, for void
  3. the price of the item will always rise IF valve doesn't put the item on the game again
  4. it could be the first mayor "promo" currency for futures dota 2 unusuals

so my advice is to try to get one at all, cost while they are cheap

if you notice anything bad with the spreadsheet, like missing items, bad pricing or anything, send me an email or add me at steam, also join the dota 2 items trade group and start trading right away!!!

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